VPN SSL users from LDAP

Manuel Minzoni Lv1Posted 2019-Sep-13 21:05

is it possible to configure NGAF to take users from LDAP for SSL VPN Connections ?
Erickson Santos Lv1Posted 2019-Oct-14 15:27
negative.. can't be for now
NGAF_specialist Lv1Posted 2020-Feb-25 15:06
Good news for that, NGAF will support it in 8.0.20, and it will pre-release in the first week of March. If our customers need this, do contact me to offer you the package to solve this issue : )
amirol Lv1Posted 2020-Mar-17 16:47
And now is middle of March and havent release 8.0.20
addimasqi Lv2Posted 2020-Mar-18 20:34
wow amazing
Florentin Givi Posted 2020-Apr-15 17:26
Unfortunately it is not possible.

Try this: