Can aCloud Management Platform manage aCloud/HCI ?

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No you can not, buat you can access them (aCloud/HCI) from link in ACMP.

Because ACMP manage VM in all Cluster of aCloud

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Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2019-Sep-12 11:09
No you can not, buat you can access them (aCloud/HCI) from link in ACMP.

Because ACMP manage VM in all Cluster of aCloud

ITD_Mitch Lv3Posted 2019-Sep-12 15:04
Of course you can.. that's the main purpose of aCMP to manage all HCI cluster in different location.
Dio Lv5Posted 2019-Sep-19 18:10
Hi Tasripin, aCMP can manage aCloud/HCI, kindly refer to the diagram below.

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