Option to hide email content

Rickysut Lv3Posted 2019-Apr-30 16:19

Hi Guys,
Is there option at IAM to hide email content so admin cannot read that?

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i think like that
Is this answer helpful?
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2019-Apr-30 18:13
up up , maybe someone can answer
Muhammad Talha Lv3Posted 2019-Apr-30 20:32
Hi ,

Can you provide some more details who cannot view the the email content ?
In IAM there is an option for not to audit email content but you cannot hide from admin because admin have rights to access every option.
arieltuppil Lv1Posted 2019-May-03 10:48
up for this, I'm interested to.
Dominic Hendro Lv4Posted 2019-May-03 12:09
From the experience I hold, the admin has full access rights. most likely cannot be hidden email content.
Rickysut Lv3Posted 2019-May-03 15:02
Because our admin not permit to audit email content. Maybe only with master password the email can be audit and view

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