cant audit skype

Newbie555901 Lv1Posted 2019-Mar-08 16:22

Hi , guys .  i have a  question need you help .  my IAM(v11.9)cant audit skype in Log center . I already selected all IM audit policy .   hope you  assist me ,thanks

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Hi Sir :
     We apology the issue was happened , Coz Skype architecture is changed since Skype inquired by MS ,  So until now , we don't have perfect solution to due with Skype Client Audit , but we can offer a beta solution , may help u audit message outgoing and receive .
     U can contact the region FAE, Presales for a help , coz it need some special process and requirement on IAM version
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Darrel_IAM Lv2Posted 2019-Mar-08 17:02
Hi Sir :
     We apology the issue was happened , Coz Skype architecture is changed since Skype inquired by MS ,  So until now , we don't have perfect solution to due with Skype Client Audit , but we can offer a beta solution , may help u audit message outgoing and receive .
     U can contact the region FAE, Presales for a help , coz it need some special process and requirement on IAM version

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