Downgrade version WANO

Siwi Ka Posted 2019-Feb-06 18:05

Anyone can guide me to upgrade version of Sangfor WANO? because I want to restore config from WANO (9.1 R2) to WANO (9.5.1 EN) but it's unvailable to restore

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Technically downgrade firmware is not possible. You need to upgrade WANO (9.1 R2) and then try restore.
For restoring configuration file, you must have same firmware on both devices.
Is this answer helpful?
Siwi Ka Posted 2019-Feb-06 18:08
im sorry, the problem to downgrade not upgrade
Muhammad Talha Lv3Posted 2019-Feb-06 20:22

Technically downgrade firmware is not possible. You need to upgrade WANO (9.1 R2) and then try restore.
For restoring configuration file, you must have same firmware on both devices.
Bakhtiar Lv3Posted 2019-Feb-07 17:32
i belive its possible to downgrade the firmware but you cant do it yourself, you need to contact sangfor to do that

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