NGAF Bandwidth Management

Tom Lv1Posted 2018-Dec-28 14:39

When doing bandwidth management, I can't add multiple Network Object into bandwidth channel policy. Only can add multiple user group. Any upgrade to enhanced this?

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Muhammad Talha Lv3Posted 2018-Dec-28 15:29
Hi Mr.Tom,

Please note that you cannot select multiple network object groups for policies. If you want to apply same bandwidth policy for multiple network objects I suggest you to create replicate policies for each network object group separately.

Please clear me if I misunderstood your question.

Thanks and regards,
Muhammad Talha Siddiqui
CTI Jimy Lv2Posted 2018-Dec-28 17:11
Last edited by CTI Jimy 28 Dec 2018 17:14.


Regarding this, we suggest to create a new Network Object which includes all the IP which required.
Tom Lv1Posted 2018-Dec-28 20:15
I have to create another list with long IPs. No good. Why user group can select multiple whereas object can't? I would say is features limitation.
Muhammad Talha Lv3Posted 2018-Dec-29 17:52
Dear Tom,

I understand your issue, Please note that Source can be multiple but logically destination is single group. That is why you can't select multiple network objects.
For your issue you don't need to create again. Just copy IP group to create a new networks object group.
To replicate policies there is also an option to mirror policies. Try this and change objects in policies.