Sangfor HCI installed on SAS HDD instead of SSD

Am1 Lv1Posted 2025-Feb-03 17:54

Can anyone share the downsides of installing Sangfor HCI on HDD instead of SSD?

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AimanHakim Lv2Posted 2025-Feb-04 00:00
Hi there, currently the HCI version doesn't support HDD only as the basic requirement is at least 1 SSD and 3-4 HDD per disk group. You can either using mix of SATA SSD, NVME SSD and HDD, use full SSD or full NVME SSD.

Well if just to humor you're question, the downsize of using HDD only even if Sangfor HCI does supports it is that the performance is not high end. As in general, HDD is mostly use for storage for data while SSD is for the performance as it has higher read/write performance than of a HDD. The HDD is not flawed, just that it was built for a storage purposes but not for performance.
jerome_itable Lv3Posted 2025-Feb-04 09:06
HDD are old technology drives that read data mechanically thru spinning disk.
The read and write speed for this is quite slower than SSD (solid state drives) which now uses the flash technologies like our thumb drives.

With this, having SSD or flash drives in your HCI improves the performance for both read and write of data.
This will also improve the performance of your virtual machines because of theses advantages.

I hope this will help.
Enrico Vanzetto Lv4Posted 2025-Feb-04 15:45
Hi, for test purposes some time ago on a third party servers (hpe dl380 gen9), we install hci on a raid1 with two sas hdd. It works fine, as the sas hdd are dedicated to hci os.
Zonger Lv5Posted 2025-Feb-06 06:19
1) Reduced performance due to slower read/write speeds and higher latency, which can bottleneck I/O-intensive workloads and degrade VM responsiveness.
2) Resource contention during multiple simultaneous I/O requests, limiting scalability and causing storage bottlenecks.
3) HDDs are less reliable due to mechanical failures, consume more power and generate more heat, increasing operational costs.
4) Advanced features like caching, tiering and data deduplication may also perform poorly on HDDs

SSDs are strongly recommended over HDDs in Sangfor HCI deployments.

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