aDesk (VDI) POC/ Implementation Guides, Configuration and Troubleshooting Guides for Pre-Sales and FAEs

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2024-Dec-20 17:13

Dear members,

We are excited to announce the availability of a curated collection of technical documents designed to support pre-sales teams and Field Application Engineers (FAEs).

Whether you're working on proof of concept (POC) demonstrations, handling project implementations, or troubleshooting complex scenarios, these documents will provide the guidance and insights you need.
All materials are organized into a user-friendly table format with downloadable attachments for easy access and navigation.

You can select your preferred language for reading by clicking on the language dropdown menu located at the top right corner of the page. Available languages include English, Italiano, Indonesian Bahasa and Thai.


1. What's Included?

Visit the technical documents below to explore the full collection and download the resources you need. Regular updates will be added as new product versions are released or additional guides are created.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions on these resources. Let us know how we can continue to improve and support your efforts!

VDI Technical Documents Navigation
Application Scenario
Document Title
5.9.1R2 ENRelease NotesVDI v5.9.1R1 Version Release NotesLinkXXX
5.9.1R2 ENUpgrade GuideVDI Upgrade Guide 5.9.1R2 ENLinkXXX
5.9.1R2 ENVDI Upgrade PathLinkXXX
5.9.1R2 ENVMP & VDC Upgrade Guide for Version 5.5.6 and belowLinkLinkLinkLink
5.9.1R2 ENUser ManualIntelligent Operations and Maintenance(IOM) V2.0LinkXXX
5.9.1R2 ENVDC v5.9.1R2 User Manual LinkXXX
5.9.1R2 ENVDC v5.9.1 User Manual LinkXXX
All VersionsPOC GuideSangfor VDI POC Guide LinkXXX
All VersionsProject ImplementationSolutions Planning and Design GuideLinkXXX
All VersionsVDI POC/Delivery Materials NavigationLinkXXX
V5.9.XBest PracticeBest Practices for the Banking Industry ScenarioLinkXXX
V5.9.XRemote App Multilanguage Deployment Best PracticesLinkXXX
All VersionsConfigurationNode Replacement GuideLinkLinkLinkLink
All VersionsNVIDIA Driver Download GuideLinkLinkLinkLink
V5.9.XDisaster Recovery Configuration GuideLinkXXX
V5.9.XAD Domain User Authentication GuideLinkLinkLinkLink
V5.9.XDisaster Recovery with Fslogix(UPM) Configuration GuideLinkXXX
All VersionsHCI VM Convert to VDI VM GuideLinkXXX
V5.9.XPhysical Machine Configuration GuideLinkLinkLinkLink
All VersionsLDAP Admin Least Privileges Configuration GuideLinkLinkLinkLink
V5.9.XNVIDIA vGPU DLS License Server Deployment GuideLinkLinkLinkLink
V5.9.XCross-Cluster Migration GuideLinkLinkLinkLink
All VersionsConfigurationNVIDIA vGPU Test License (token) Application GuideLinkXXX
All VersionsTroubleshootingRemote App Troubleshooting TrainingLinkXXX
All VersionsWindows Requirements Fulfillment Troubleshooting GuideLinkXXX
All VersionsCase ArticleVM Creation failed on VDCLinkXXX
All VersionsApple IOS Cannot Access VDI Through VDI Client LinkLinkLinkLink
All VersionsProduct WarningVDI Product WarningLinkXXX
All VersionsCertification TrainingVDI Essential Knowledge PointsLinkXXX
All VersionsHCI Partner Training AssociateLinkLinkLinkLink
All VersionsSCP Partner Training AssociateLinkLinkLinkX


2. Recommended Reading:

1) Network Secure POC/ Implementation Guides, Configuration and Troubleshooting Guides for Pre-Sales and FAEs

3) Endpoint Secure POC/ Implementation Guides, Configuration and Troubleshooting Guides for Pre-Sales and FAEs

4) Cyber Command POC/ Implementation Guides, Configuration and Troubleshooting Guides for Pre-Sales and FAEs

5) aTrust POC/ Implementation Guides, Configuration and Troubleshooting Guides for Pre-Sales and FAEs

3. We Value Your Feedback

We are excited to announce an engaging opportunity for you to contribute to our knowledge base! As you read through our technical documents, we invite you to share your satisfaction ratings to help us enhance our content.

Sangfor Technical Documents Navigation__updated 2024.xlsx

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