How to reset / restore factory default SANGFOR NGAF M5100F-I? 5

Newbie700577 Posted 2024-Oct-18 08:54

I have sangfor NGAF M5100F-I configured and already working. However, yesterday it just not giving an internet connection to eth3, so all I need is to check its sangfor. Unfortunately, it says "Sorry, page not found", i don't know what to do to access its WEBGUI, i tried to check it in Manage Port but still I got the same scenario. I tried firmware updater but it says Connection Refuse.

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For the first issue of unable to access WebUI there is an approach below you can try:
1) Kindly download Sangfor Firmware Updater and install in a PC. (PC has to connect directly to the NGAF port)
2) Search for the IP and see whether the IP you inserted is correct. If it is different IP shown compare with the one you insert then it might be user input error.
3) Else, kindly send an email to our technical support for further investigation.

For the second issue of How to reset admin password, you can try with this solution :
Restore password with USB Drive:
1. Create an empty txt file named reset-password.txt or Copy the reset-password.txt file to the root directory of U Disk;
2. Insert the U disk, restart the device;
3. When the device can normally log on the WebUI, pull out the U disk;
4. See the results of the U disk file reset-password.log,If the recovery is successful, record the restored console password in this file, otherwise the log is recorded the recovery failure information.

1.This TXT file can be directly on the windows system to establish a empty TXT file, the file name to reset-password.txt;
2.The txt file must be in the root directory of the U disk;
3.U disk can be single or multiple partitions. A single partition of the U disk format must be FAT32; multi partition U disk must put the txt file in the first partition, and the first partition format must be FAT32.
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Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2024-Oct-18 10:01

Please find the link below regarding a similar issue for your reference:
Rotring Lv2Posted 2024-Oct-18 12:03
It sounds like you’re facing a problem with the Sangfor NGAF M5100F-I where you're unable to access the WebGUI (management interface), and the device is also not providing internet connectivity on eth3. Let’s break down the possible causes and solutions:

Steps to Troubleshoot
1. Check Device Connectivity
Physical connections: Make sure all physical connections (cables, ports, etc.) are intact and the network interface (eth3) is connected properly.
Ping the device: Test if the device is reachable by pinging its IP address from a connected system. If the ping fails, there may be a network or device issue.
2. WebGUI “Page Not Found” Error
Incorrect URL: Double-check the IP address or URL used to access the WebGUI. The URL should be something like https://<device_ip>:port.
If you've customized the management port during configuration, ensure you're using the correct port (e.g., or :8443).
HTTPS instead of HTTP: Make sure you're using https:// to connect securely.
Try different browsers: Sometimes browser compatibility can cause issues. Try accessing the WebGUI using a different browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.
Clear browser cache: Cached data might be causing the issue. Clear your browser cache or use incognito mode.
3. Check the NGAF Management Port
Since you mentioned trying the Manage Port, ensure the port for management is correctly configured:

Log into the command-line interface (CLI) using SSH or a direct console connection if you can’t access the WebGUI.
Verify the management port settings: You can check the network and port settings using the CLI. Make sure the port assigned for Web management is active.
You may also try restarting the management services via the CLI.
4. Firmware Issues and Connection Refused
Firmware connection refused: The “Connection Refused” message when attempting a firmware update could be caused by firewall rules or the firmware update server being inaccessible.
Manual firmware update: If automatic updates aren’t working, you can download the latest firmware package from the Sangfor support portal onto a USB stick or your computer and manually upload it via the WebGUI or CLI.
Check firewall rules: Ensure that the firewall policies on the NGAF device aren’t blocking the management interface or the firmware update server.
5. Restart the NGAF Device
Sometimes, simply restarting the device can resolve issues with network connectivity and management services. You can do this via the CLI or by power cycling the device.
6. Check Logs for Errors
If you can access the CLI, check the system logs for any error messages related to the eth3 interface, WebGUI, or system services.
Common commands:
show system log
show interface eth3 (to see if there are any errors related to the port)
7. Reset the Device (Last Resort)
Backup configuration: Before resetting, make sure you have a backup of the device’s configuration.
Factory reset: If all else fails, consider performing a factory reset on the device. This will clear all configurations, so it should only be done if you have a saved backup of the device settings.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2024-Oct-18 13:32
To reset the Sangfor NGAF M5100F-I to factory default, you need to access the device through the console port using SSH or a serial connection. After logging in with the appropriate credentials, use the command reset factory-settings to initiate the reset. Also sure you have backed up the configuration if needed, as this will wipe all settings. After the reset, the default management IP is usually set to You can then access the WebGUI by connecting a PC to the management port and navigating to this IP in a browser.
Enrico Vanzetto Lv4Posted 2024-Oct-18 18:41
For the first issue of unable to access WebUI there is an approach below you can try:
1) Kindly download Sangfor Firmware Updater and install in a PC. (PC has to connect directly to the NGAF port)
2) Search for the IP and see whether the IP you inserted is correct. If it is different IP shown compare with the one you insert then it might be user input error.
3) Else, kindly send an email to our technical support for further investigation.

For the second issue of How to reset admin password, you can try with this solution :
Restore password with USB Drive:
1. Create an empty txt file named reset-password.txt or Copy the reset-password.txt file to the root directory of U Disk;
2. Insert the U disk, restart the device;
3. When the device can normally log on the WebUI, pull out the U disk;
4. See the results of the U disk file reset-password.log,If the recovery is successful, record the restored console password in this file, otherwise the log is recorded the recovery failure information.

1.This TXT file can be directly on the windows system to establish a empty TXT file, the file name to reset-password.txt;
2.The txt file must be in the root directory of the U disk;
3.U disk can be single or multiple partitions. A single partition of the U disk format must be FAT32; multi partition U disk must put the txt file in the first partition, and the first partition format must be FAT32.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2024-Oct-21 14:30
Hello friend,

Take backup first then to reset the Sangfor NGAF M5100F-I to factory defaults, use the CLI via console or SSH. Connect to the device, then use the command reset to default or similar, depending on the firmware version. If the web interface is inaccessible and the firmware update fails, you may need to reboot into recovery mode or reinstall the firmware via console.

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