Endpoint Installation

Newbie340638 Lv1Posted 2024-Sep-10 16:27

What is the difference between Hardware Requirements for Typical Endpoint Secure Manager Installation and Integrated Installation of
Endpoint Secure Manager and a Trust ?

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Hi, the hardware requirements for a typical Endpoint Secure Manager installation and an integrated installation with a Trust differ significantly:

Typical Installation: Needs a multi-core CPU, 8-16 GB RAM, 100 GB storage, Gigabit Ethernet, and Windows Server.

Integrated Installation: Requires higher CPU power, 16-32 GB RAM, 200 GB storage, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, and similar OS with additional configurations.
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Enrico Vanzetto Lv4Posted 2024-Sep-10 16:44
Hi, the hardware requirements for a typical Endpoint Secure Manager installation and an integrated installation with a Trust differ significantly:

Typical Installation: Needs a multi-core CPU, 8-16 GB RAM, 100 GB storage, Gigabit Ethernet, and Windows Server.

Integrated Installation: Requires higher CPU power, 16-32 GB RAM, 200 GB storage, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, and similar OS with additional configurations.
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2024-Sep-10 17:47

Pls find below for your Ref:
Newbie340638 Lv1Posted 2024-Sep-10 19:30
i need to ask what is integrated installation. vs typical one in sangfor ES
Zonger Lv5Posted 2024-Sep-10 21:10
The difference between Hardware Requirements for Typical Endpoint Secure Manager Installation and Integrated Installation of Endpoint Secure Manager and a Trust is that the latter requires additional hardware resources to accommodate the Trust Server which is a separate component that provides additional security features. The typical installation requires a minimum of 2 CPU cores, 4 GB RAM, and 10 GB free disk space, whereas the integrated installation with a Trust requires a minimum of 4 CPU cores, 8 GB RAM, and 20 GB free disk space. This is because the Trust Server adds additional processing and memory requirements to the system necessitating more robust hardware resources to ensure optimal performance and reliability.
rani Posted 2024-Sep-11 14:46
Hello, there are several differences between the hardware needed for an integrated installation with a trust and a standard Endpoint Secure Manager installation:

A multi-core CPU, 8–16 GB of RAM, 100 GB of storage, Gigabit Ethernet, and Windows Server are required for a typical installation.

Higher CPU power, 16–32 GB of RAM, 200 GB of storage, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, and a comparable operating system with extra configurations are needed for integrated installation.

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