ES Unauthorized Outbound Access

IT Infra Lv1Posted 2024-May-27 14:17

Hi, Is ES Unauthorize Outbound Access means that, when there is internet we all got blocked, or when we access specific website then gets block? Enlight Me, Thanks

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The Unauthorized outbound access detection allows you to detect unauthorized external access by resolving domain names or pinging IP addresses and take actions, including network disconnection, shutdown, and email notification, to monitor unauthorized external access of endpoints in real-time.
Please find below for outbound access detection admin page:
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Enrico Vanzetto Lv4Posted 2024-May-27 16:35
Hi, Sangfor Endpoint Secure's Unauthorized Outbound Access Detection feature is engineered to oversee and identify if a client possesses the necessary permissions to access specific IP addresses or URLs. Here's the process:

An agent located on the client device initiates a ping to the designated IP/URL. If the client device is capable of accessing the specified IP/URL, the agent executes the action outlined in the policy. This feature does not aim to block all internet access or restrict access to certain websites. Rather, it's a detection mechanism that verifies if a client has access to particular IP addresses or URLs. Upon detection of unauthorized access, the system can initiate predefined actions in accordance with the policy settings.
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2024-May-27 17:36

The Unauthorized outbound access detection allows you to detect unauthorized external access by resolving domain names or pinging IP addresses and take actions, including network disconnection, shutdown, and email notification, to monitor unauthorized external access of endpoints in real-time.
Please find below for outbound access detection admin page:
Enrico Vanzetto Lv4Posted 2024-May-28 16:25
Hi It Infra, if a client who resides in a group which there's a policy with Unauthorized Outbound Access Detection enabled , if the agent detect that this client can reach one of the website you configure on this policy, you can report only this behaviour on firewall logs or you can trigger client disconnection or client shutdown

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