Recruiting Technical Engineers as Sangfor Community Moderators

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 21 Mar 2024 11:59

Dear members,

We are excited to announce that we are seeking dedicated technical engineers to join our forum team as the moderators for NGAF, HCI, IAG, Cyber Command and Endpoint Secure products sections, responsible for answering questions and choosing a best answer for each question.

If you are interested in this event, please reply to this post before May 10th, 2024.

To offer more opportunities to other members, we are optimizing the eligibility for registration. Anyone who has passed the Sangfor Technical Certification Professional-level exams in the years 2022 to 2024 will be able to enroll without taking the exam.

To apply for the moderator position, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Reply to this post with the product name you want to join.
(For example, I want to be the moderator for NGAF product section.)

Step 2: Join the product examination after receiving our notification email or upload the partner certificate you have passed below.

Step 3: Wait for our official invitation email.
To ensure that our moderators possess in-depth knowledge of our products, we will carefully select the most suitable candidates for the moderator positions by preparing the examination of the products. This examination will test your understanding of the products and your ability to provide accurate and helpful guidance to fellow community members.

After reviewing all applications, We have laid out some detailed rules on moderator review requirements, management performance, management allowances, and exclusive benefits, and we recommend that you read the following carefully.


Join Sangfor product exams and score in the top three.

1). If participants have the same score, they will be accepted in the order in which they completed the exam.
2). Other participants who are not accepted will be selected for our resource pool. If a moderator is eliminated for the next quarter, someone from the resource pool will be appointed as the new moderator.



Moderators will receive coin rewards for their valuable contributions. We will count the moderators' management data every month, including the average response time and the percentage of resolved issues, and give 500-2000 coins according to the fulfillment of these two tasks.

Here are the required tasks for moderators:
1). Check for unresolved issues every day and respond to these questions within 8 hours if possible.
2). Answer questions or adopt other people's answers promptly to ensure that 85% of questions are resolved each month.

The response time means how long on average it takes for you to reply after the question is posted in the forum.


Read carefully the following rules to avoid losing the exclusive benefits and coins for moderators.

1. If you do not answer a question or adopt a user's answer for 2 consecutive months or a total of 4 months, your moderator status and rights will be canceled, and you will not be allowed to participate in this activity for one year.
2. Failure to complete the required tasks for 3 consecutive months or a total of 6 months will result in the revocation of the identity badge and special privileges, and you will not be able to participate in this activity for one year.

3. Sending questions and copying answers to Sangfor technical support is prohibited. If you are caught cheating, your status badge, special privileges, and earned coins will be canceled and you will not be allowed to participate in the event for one year.

We look forward to receiving your applications and working together to create a better forum experience for our community. Thank you for your continued support and participation!


Please reply to this post in the format below:

I want to be the moderator for XXX product section.
E.g.: XXX refers to NGAF, HCI, IAG, Cyber Command and Endpoint Secure. If you have passed the professional exam, please upload your certificate.

Currently, we have two participants passing the exam. Congratulations to them!
All moderators will officially take their responsibilities from May 1st.

Here are the details of qualification examination for being Sangfor Community moderators.

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 21 Mar 2024 15:17
To offer more opportunities to other members, we are optimizing the eligibility for registration. Anyone who has passed the Sangfor Technical Certification Professional-level exams in the years 2022 to 2024 will be able to enroll without taking the exam.


Here are the appropriate participation methods:

1) If you have a professional certificate, please reply below with the product you want to join and upload the certificate.

2) If you haven't passed the exam, please reply below with the product you want to join.

pmateus Lv2Posted 22 Mar 2024 17:35
I want to be the moderator for NGAF product section.
Farina Ahmed Posted 26 Mar 2024 13:33
I want to be the Moderator for NGAF & Cyber Command and Endpoint Secure.
Xeshaan Lv1Posted 26 Mar 2024 16:52

I want to be the Moderator for NGAF & Cyber Command and Endpoint Secure.
Ronnel Compayan Lv1Posted 26 Mar 2024 17:54
I want to be a moderator for HCI product section
1000THR Lv1Posted 27 Mar 2024 22:11
I want to be a moderator for HCI product section
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 28 Mar 2024 17:13

I want to be the moderator for NGAF product section.
Shahzad Abbasi Lv1Posted 29 Mar 2024 12:37
I want to be the moderator for NGAF and IAG product section.
Prosi Lv2Posted 29 Mar 2024 14:13
I want to be the moderator for HCI product section.