Channel Bandwidth Distribution based on time

firdhyprayogo Lv1Posted 2022-Nov-28 17:08

Hi guys could i put a time base filter on channel bandwidth distribution ? just like option at other segment.


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i think for now you cant filter that by time based.

i have an issue with this bandwidth channel reporting if we want to see what the application that consume the bandwidth in my users company on office hour. so i create the Bandwidth Management Policy with specific time and apps. example, i want to see what application that consume bandwidth in office hour,so i create schedule for office hour, and specific policy with streaming/media social apps and company apps. and then create another for non office hours. so i can differentiate the traffic for office/non office hours in flow control/bandwidth channel.
Is this answer helpful?
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-Dec-06 12:33
I dont know this feature available in NGAF
arjay Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-06 00:21
This seems not possible
Jdc Lv2Posted 2022-Dec-05 16:34

It only have QoS
jetjetd Lv5Posted 2022-Dec-05 13:30
The feature you are looking for is not available yet.
Nami Lv2Posted 2022-Dec-05 11:06
Make a policy with a time base in Bandwidth management.
ZoroZoro Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:57
Create the Bandwidth Management Policy with specific time and apps.
Pat Lv4Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:56
I agree that there is no feature yet for this
Franky Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:50
not feature yet. you must wait.
Robin Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:42
IAG has Bandwidth Management
It is base on 3 key point:
1. Line Bandwidth
2. Application
3. Objects
Faisal P Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:39
There is no the feature yet

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