import vdc5.9 to hci 6.9.1 power on - error guest has not initialized the display (yet)

63865 Ben Lv1Posted 28 Aug 2024 10:17

Last edited by 63865 Ben 02 Sep 2024 14:23.

import vdc5.9 to hci 6.9.1 error guest has not initialized the display (yet)
how to fix it? thx

I was tested craeting new vm to power on. it is display error guest has not initialized the display (yet).
My hardware is Dell R6625

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The error "Guest has not initialized the display (yet)" when importing vdc 5.9 to HCI 6.9.1 is typically caused by compatibility issues between the two versions.
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Enrico Vanzetto Lv4Posted 29 Aug 2024 14:08
Hi, could you please tell us more details about the issue you have?
Zonger Lv5Posted 29 Aug 2024 19:08
The error "Guest has not initialized the display (yet)" when importing vdc 5.9 to HCI 6.9.1 is typically caused by compatibility issues between the two versions.
Sheikh_Shani Lv2Posted 31 Aug 2024 13:15
Hello Dear

This error usually means that the virtual machine's display is not set up correctly. To fix it, try these steps:

1. Check Virtual Display Settings: Make sure the virtual machine's display settings are enabled and set to a proper display protocol (like VNC or Spice).

2. Reboot the Guest VM: Sometimes, simply restarting the virtual machine can resolve the issue.

3. Update Tools: Ensure that any necessary guest tools or drivers for the virtual machine are installed and up to date.

4. Check Logs: Look at the logs for any error messages that could provide more specific information about the problem.

5. Reconfigure Display Options: If you're using a specific display option, try changing it to see if that resolves the issue.

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