#Troubleshooting# Active Directory Sync Issue with Virtual Desktop Controller

Murtaza Akbar Lv1Posted 11 Oct 2022 18:35

(Active Directory Sync Issue with Virtual DesktopController)

Product Version

Product : VDI
Version : 5.4.0 EN R2

Issue Description
Every time when I create a new user in the Active Directory instance it’s not reflected on VDC.it was so annoying, because most of the time requirement is very urgent for new users .new user reflection will show in VDC  around 120min.

Handling Process

•        First we monitor the delay of new users between AD and VDC.
•        Then we observe that all user is showing except the new one.
•        we log in to the VDC and check the Sync of the VDC with AD.
•        We notice that every time if we want to reflect the user immediately we have to synchronization in LDAP.


•  After the Creation of AD ID you have to GO in VDC and perform the mentioned below step for mention above problem resolution.

Log in to VDC

go to VDI Options and select the Authentication Tab.

Select setting in LDAP

Setect the AD and click on Import user.

It’s the last step you have to click on save and import now then you will see all the latest user sync successfully and reflect in VDC.

1.jpg (25.15 KB, Downloads: 1245)


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RegiBoy Lv5Posted 11 Oct 2022 22:37
Informative and useful. Great article
rivsy Lv5Posted 11 Oct 2022 23:43
Thank you for this wonderful information
Zonger Lv5Posted 12 Oct 2022 04:30
Thanks for sharing
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 12 Oct 2022 09:13
Thanks for sharing !
Faisal P Lv8Posted 28 Oct 2022 22:16
Thank you very much for the information ...
IPS_len Lv2Posted 14 Nov 2022 14:09
Thanks for sharing the info
Newbie308427 Posted 27 Nov 2022 02:51
nice shaing, many thanks
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 04 Dec 2022 12:57
Nice thanks for sharing
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 04 Dec 2022 13:03
Nice thanks for sharing