#2024 Content Creator Program# Turn your daily work into a rewarding contribution!

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 11 Jan 2024 10:34

Greetings to all the wonderful members of Sangfor Community!

We believe that every day brings with it new challenges and opportunities for growth. That's why we're excited to introduce a unique activity that encourages you to transform your daily issues into valuable knowledge shared within our vibrant community.

With our new activity, we invite you to convert your daily issues into knowledge-sharing moments that benefit the entire community. By sharing your challenges and the steps you took to overcome them, you have the power to inspire, educate, and empower others who may be facing similar situations.

We eagerly await your participation and look forward to celebrating the growth and learning that will arise from this activity.

Activity Duration:                                                                                                         
Jan 11st  - Dec. 31st, 2024

Process of Activity:                                                                                                      

Activity Rewards:                                                                                                         

We recommend you create the following content topics which are closely related to your daily work. Rewards will vary for different content topics.
3000 coins for each Troubleshooting Case
4000 coins for each Configuration Guide and Success Stories

Possible Topics Suggestions                                                                              

(1) Troubleshooting Cases
Share the issue information, cause analysis, troubleshooting steps, and solutions if you have encountered and successfully resolved any technical issues or challenges while using Sangfor products.

(2) Configuration Guides
1) Use Scenarios: Highlight the key advantages and benefits that the feature offers to users. Provide specific use cases or scenarios where the features can be applied effectively.

2) Target Audience: Identify the specific group of users who will benefit from the new features.

3) Step-by-Step Instructions: Break down the process of using the new features into simple, actionable steps, including screenshots or visuals to enhance understanding.

(3) Success Stories
1) Background: Provide an overview of your organization, including the industry, size, and any relevant background information.

3) Challenge: Describe the specific
challenges or problems you are facing before using Sangfor product.

3) Solution: Explain how the product or service addressed your company's challenges and provided a solution. Highlight the
key features or functionalities that were instrumental in resolving their issues.

4) Implementation: Detail the process of implementing Sangfor products or service and any customization or integration efforts that were required.

5) Results and Benefits: Present the
outcomes and benefits that your company achieved as a result of using Sangfor products. This can include metrics, such as increased revenue, cost savings, improved efficiency, or customer satisfaction ratings.

Activity Rules:                                                                                                               

1)  Plagiarism and direct machine translation of Sangfor documents, including but not limited to technical documentation, white papers, and videos, are strictly prohibited.

2) Content submissions are not limited to any specific language. The same topic can be expressed in either English or a local language.

3) Please submit articles via email to jojoluo@sangfor.com, noting the title in the subject line, such as "Here is my article on #title...".

4) Each article will be reviewed within 3 working days and notified of the review progress via email.

5) All approved articles will be posted by the community admin and highlighted in the specific board.

6) Writing rewards will be distributed each Friday for article creation, with an annual reconciliation to balance any excesses or deficiencies.
7) This activity is limited only to external Sangfor users.

Writing Templates for Your Reference:                                                                          

1) For Troubleshooting Cases
2) For Configuration Guides
3) For Success Stories

How do I Enroll?                                                                                                            

Fill out a registration form to help us provide enough information related to your creation type.

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 11 Jan 2024 11:47

Enroll Entrance: https://forms.office.com/r/rBZKemkUF2?origin=lprLink

Download writing templates: Writing Templates
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 11 Jan 2024 16:51
Hello Jojo, when will we get Coins for Q4 of 2023 about active user and technical user who answer most technical questions and yearly active and technical users?
juni Lv1Posted 26 Jul 2024 21:38
thanks for sharing