#END #Weekly Event# Question 208 - One Question A Week

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 27 Nov 2023 10:13

Dear members,
Let\\\'s move to the new question and see if you can get the right answer again.

Welcome to the 208th question! We got more and more members joining us and some of you figured out the right answer with ease!

Event Duration: Nov. 27
- Dec.3

[How to Play]
Reply to the question by commenting on this thread.
Your answer is only visible to the author.

[Event Rewards]
Each reply will earn 100-coin tokens, and the right answer will earn an extra 200-coin tokens.

1. The rewards will be sent out next week.
2. The right answer will be updated in this thread next week.

IAG All versions Authentication
What is the requirement for the autehntication's password requirement ?

IAM doesn't has any requirement for the password authentication.
You can set it in Users -> Advanced -> Authentication Options -> Enable password strength requirements.

Congratulations to the following participants on getting 300 coins for their right answers.

The following participants will get 100 coins for their active participation.
