Trusted Files

Draiden Lv2Posted 26 May 2023 14:42

Does Anyone have any better way to export this "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" ??
This Tab right here is quite confusing to the new people.

Trusted Files:  ((but you can only input IP/IP Range))

PowerShell Params Whitelist: ((This one is either executable or a DIR Path))

Im trying to Audit this area here "PowerShell Params Whitelist" because there are something added here that is so fishy. Or we just do it manually copy paste to get all the list?

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Manual evaluate: You may evaluate the entries in the "PowerShell Params Whitelist" tab manually by copying and pasting the list into a different document or spreadsheet. This allows you to thoroughly study each entry and spot any questionable or illegal additions. While manual inspection takes time, it gives a thorough study of the whitelist.
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Farina Ahmed Posted 26 May 2023 18:10
If you are trying to audit the "PowerShell Params Whitelist" and find it confusing or suspect that there may be fishy entries, here are a few suggestions:

Manual Review: You can manually review the entries in the "PowerShell Params Whitelist" tab by copy-pasting the list into a separate document or spreadsheet. This will allow you to carefully examine each entry and identify any suspicious or unauthorized additions. While manual review can be time-consuming, it provides a detailed analysis of the whitelist.

Export Function: Check if the application or tool you are using has an export function specifically for the "PowerShell Params Whitelist." Look for options such as exporting to CSV, XML, or any other structured format. This can streamline the process and enable you to analyze the entries more efficiently using automated methods.
Scripting: If possible, you can develop a custom PowerShell script or use existing PowerShell modules to extract and export the "PowerShell Params Whitelist" programmatically. This approach can automate the extraction process and provide you with a machine-readable output for analysis.

Integration with PowerShell Logging: Consider integrating the application or tool with PowerShell logging mechanisms. This will enable you to capture PowerShell command invocations and parameters in real-time or through logs. By cross-referencing this information with the "PowerShell Params Whitelist," you can identify any discrepancies or suspicious activities.

Third-Party Tools: Explore third-party tools or utilities that specialize in auditing PowerShell activity and parameter whitelists. These tools may offer advanced analysis capabilities, anomaly detection, or comparison features to help identify any unauthorized or malicious entries.
MTR Lv2Posted 26 May 2023 18:45
If you find the tab for exporting the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" confusing, there might be alternative approaches or tools you can consider to simplify the process. Here are a few suggestions:

Documentation or tooltips: Check if there is any documentation available that provides detailed instructions on how to export the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" tab. Additionally, tooltips or contextual help within the application might offer guidance on how to navigate and use the export feature effectively.

Vendor support: Reach out to the vendor or support team responsible for the software or platform you are using. They can provide specific guidance and assistance on how to export the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" tab or suggest alternative methods.

User community or forums: Look for user communities or forums related to the software or platform you are using. Engage with the community and seek advice from experienced users who might have already found easier ways to export the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" tab. They might share tips, workarounds, or scripts to simplify the process.

Custom script or automation: If the software or platform allows it, you could explore writing a custom script or using automation tools to extract the desired information from the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" tab. This way, you can customize the export process to match your preferences and requirements.
Faisal Piliang Posted 27 May 2023 12:16

PowerShell will attempt to resolve non-absolute paths relative to the current provider location - but .NET methods (like XmlDocument.Load()) will resolve them relative to the working directory of the current process instead.

Zonger Lv4Posted 29 May 2023 14:42

If you find the tab for exporting the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" confusing, there might be alternative approaches or tools you can consider to simplify the process. Here are a few suggestions:

Documentation or tooltips: Check if there is any documentation available that provides detailed instructions on how to export the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" tab. Additionally, tooltips or contextual help within the application might offer guidance on how to navigate and use the export feature effectively.

Vendor support: Reach out to the vendor or support team responsible for the software or platform you are using. They can provide specific guidance and assistance on how to export the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" tab or suggest alternative methods.

User community or forums: Look for user communities or forums related to the software or platform you are using. Engage with the community and seek advice from experienced users who might have already found easier ways to export the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" tab. They might share tips, workarounds, or scripts to simplify the process.

Custom script or automation: If the software or platform allows it, you could explore writing a custom script or using automation tools to extract the desired information from the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" tab. This way, you can customize the export process to match your preferences and requirements.
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 29 May 2023 14:44
Consult the Sangfor Technical Support team for this.
Naomi Lv3Posted 29 May 2023 14:47
Manual evaluate: You may evaluate the entries in the "PowerShell Params Whitelist" tab manually by copying and pasting the list into a different document or spreadsheet. This allows you to thoroughly study each entry and spot any questionable or illegal additions. While manual inspection takes time, it gives a thorough study of the whitelist.
Rejie08455 Lv1Posted 29 May 2023 14:48
Exporting the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" can be done by retrieving the parameter information from the respective PowerShell module or cmdlet using the Get-Command cmdlet. Once obtained, you can save the information to a file or export it to a desired format using PowerShell scripting techniques.
MISMIS Lv3Posted 29 May 2023 14:51
PowerShell Logging Integration: Consider integrating the application or tool with PowerShell logging methods. This allows you to record PowerShell command invocations and arguments in real time or via logs. By comparing this data to the "PowerShell Params Whitelist," you can see any inconsistencies or suspicious activity.
Adonis001 Lv3Posted 29 May 2023 14:55
If the product or platform permits it, you might consider building a custom script or utilizing automation tools to retrieve the needed information from the "Powershell Parameter Whitelist" tab. This allows you to tailor the export procedure to your own needs and tastes.

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