Zonger Lv4Posted 26 Apr 2023 17:49
It is possible to block users from posting or leaving comments on Facebook while still allowing them to browse Facebook articles. However, this can be a bit tricky as Facebook uses HTTPS encryption, which can make it difficult to intercept and block specific traffic.

One approach you can try is to use a web filtering or application control solution that supports HTTPS decryption. This will allow you to intercept and inspect the HTTPS traffic to Facebook, and block any requests that are related to posting or commenting. You mentioned that you have already installed the Sangfor self-cert to decrypt HTTPS traffic, but have experienced some issues with it. You may want to check your certificate installation and configuration to ensure it is set up correctly.

Another approach you can try is to use a DNS-based filtering solution that blocks access to the domains used by Facebook for posting and commenting. This approach is less granular than HTTPS decryption, as it relies on blocking entire domains rather than specific traffic types. However, it can be easier to implement and manage.

Finally, you may want to consider implementing a policy that educates users on responsible Facebook usage, rather than simply blocking certain features. This can help promote a positive workplace culture and reduce the risk of users finding ways to circumvent your security controls.
Zonger Lv4Posted 30 Apr 2023 19:59
Yes, it is possible to block a user from posting or leaving comments on Facebook while still allowing them to browse articles. This can be done through the use of Facebook's privacy and security settings.

To block a user from posting or leaving comments on Facebook, you can do the following:

Go to the user's profile page.
Click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the page and select "Block" from the drop-down menu.
Follow the prompts to block the user.
To allow browsing of Facebook articles, you can set your privacy and security settings to only allow access to articles and posts that are shared publicly. To do this, follow these steps:

Go to your Facebook settings.
Click on "Privacy" in the left-hand menu.
Under "Your Activity," select "Who can see your future posts?"
Set this to "Public" to allow anyone to view your posts and articles.
Under "How people can find and contact you," select "Who can send you friend requests?"
Set this to "Everyone" to allow anyone to send you friend requests.
Under "Timeline and Tagging," select "Who can see what others post on your timeline?"
Set this to "Public" to allow anyone to view posts made on your timeline.

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