SassyScorpio Lv2Posted 14 Apr 2023 12:07
Sangfor NGAF (Next-Generation Application Firewall) is a network security solution that provides advanced firewall capabilities, including the ability to block or disable browser extensions like those in Google Chrome. Here are the general steps to block or disable a Google Chrome extension in Sangfor NGAF:

Access the Sangfor NGAF web-based management console using a web browser.
Navigate to the "Application Control" or "URL Filtering" section, depending on the version of Sangfor NGAF you are using.
Create a new policy or edit an existing policy that applies to the user or group of users for whom you want to block or disable the Google Chrome extension.
In the policy settings, look for an option related to "Application/URL Control" or "Web Application Control" that allows you to manage browser extensions or plugins.
Add the Google Chrome extension's name or the URL associated with it to the blacklist or blocklist.
Save the policy settings and apply the changes.
Test the policy by accessing Google Chrome and attempting to use the blocked or disabled extension. The extension should be blocked or disabled according to the policy settings you configured in Sangfor NGAF.

Note: The specific steps and options may vary depending on the version and configuration of Sangfor NGAF you are using. It's recommended to consult the product documentation or seek assistance from a qualified network administrator or IT professional for precise instructions. Additionally, blocking or disabling extensions may require careful consideration of security policies and user requirements to avoid unintended consequences.

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