Hill Chi Lv1Posted 30 Mar 2023 17:37
1. Use PC connect to the MANAGE interface, it's IP ADDRESS is .
2. Then try visit the NGAF Web UI ,use following URL:
3. If up option doesn't help.,you well need download this tool from 'https://download.sangfor.com.cn/download/product/tools/SANGFOR_Updater6.2.zip'
4. Unzip it , and run 'SANGFOR Firmware Updater.exe'  input NGAF MANAGE interface ip address and password of it,connect to NGAF.
5. press   F10 on keyboard, then choose 升级——恢复出厂配置,this step will need NGAF upgrade packge which is same vision to your own NGAF,you can fide it in 'https://community.sangfor.com/plugin.php?id=service:download&action=view&fid=10#/1/all'.

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