SassyScorpio Lv2Posted 24 Mar 2023 18:29
Expanding the disk size of a virtual machine (VM) can be done without data loss by following these general steps:
  • Backup your virtual machine. This step is essential to ensure that your data is safe in case anything goes wrong during the expansion process.
  • Shut down the virtual machine. Expanding the disk size requires the VM to be turned off.
  • Expand the virtual disk. Depending on the virtualization platform, you can either increase the disk size through the hypervisor or by editing the virtual machine configuration file directly.
  • Power on the virtual machine. After the disk size has been expanded, turn on the virtual machine.
  • Extend the partition. Once the virtual machine has booted up, you need to extend the partition to use the additional disk space. This process varies depending on the operating system you are using. For example, on Windows, you can use the Disk Management tool to extend the partition. On Linux, you can use the "fdisk" or "parted" command-line tools.

By following these steps, you can safely expand the disk size of your virtual machine without losing any data. However, it is always a good practice to have a backup of your data before making any changes to your virtual machine.

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