#2023 Annual Incentive Rules for All Members# Introduction to Hall of Fame

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 07 Dec 2022 17:30

Dear members,
We are glad to announce that the much-anticipated “Hall of Fame” is coming in order to commend our contributors.
Fancy being a contributor to Sangfor Support Community? Want to share your ideas, knowledge, and experiences to help other members? If you are interested in being presented in the “Hall of Fame”, read on...

What is the “Hall of Fame”?

The “Hall of Fame” is our new incentive measure designed for our contributors who are:

Active Users:  actively participate in all kinds of online events and express their ideas, suggestions.
Problem-solvers:  good at solving other’s questions in Forum.
Content Writers: share their knowledge and experiences by writing some technical articles or cases to guide and help other members.
Translators: capable of reading and writing skills by translating English technical documents into their native languages.
Product Testers:  join Sangfor Beta Program and share some effective suggestions like function experience or demand scenario for the testing.

What will I get as a member of “Hall of Fame”?

Each and every one of our contributors get access to regular opportunities to (including but not limited to):
Get exclusive identity badges for your action and contribution to this community
Win many coin tokens every quarter and year.
Help shape and influence what we do in this community.
Recommend online gifts you love and Enjoy the priority of being accepted.
Get a surprise gift for your birthday.

How do I apply to join the “Hall of Fame”?

To be eligible to apply to join the “Hall of Fame”, you need to participate in some specified online events and try to perform well. We have created a set of evaluation and reward standards for your action in each online event. That is Top Ranking. Your ranking in the event determines whether you can enter this hall of honor.

Here are eight types of honor ranking which will be announced in the category General >> Reward & Honor”.

1. Most Active

1) Qualification:  The first 20 active users are ranked by times of login and replies to sharing and discussion topics each quarter and year.
2) Reward:  a badge + 2,000 coins (each quarter), a badge + 4,000 coins (each year)
3) Quantity:  20 members
4) Event Entrance: click the “online event” to join

2. Tech Expert

1) Qualification:  The first 5 problem-solvers who have got the most accepted answers of Top Solver activity each quarter and each year. (see as below)

2) Reward:  a badge + 4,000 coins (each quarter), a badge + 8,000 coins (each year)
3) Quantity: 5 members
4) Event Entrance: Search “Top Solvers of Question Posts” or Select Question Topics in Forum.

3. Most Potential

1) Qualification:  Content writers who submitted technical cases to us for the first time and the number of cases was ranked top 5 each quarter and each year.
2) Reward:  a badge + 5,000 coins (each quarter), a badge + 10,000 coins (each year)
3) Quantity:  5 members
4) Event Entrance:  click the below links to join.

4. Most Popular

1) Qualification:  Content writers who submitted technical cases to us and the articles' popularity ranked top 5 each quarter and each year. The popularity is calculated by the views, comments, likes and bounty of your articles or cases.

2) Reward:  a badge + 5,000 coins (each quarter), a badge + 10,000 coins (each year)
3) Quantity:  5 members
4) Event Entrance: click the below links to join.

5. Most Productive

1) Qualification:  The first 5 content writers who have submitted the most technical cases to us each quarter and each year.
2) Reward:  a badge + 8,000 coins (each quarter), a badge + 16,000 coins (each year)
3) Quantity:   5 members
4) Event Entrance: click the below links to join.

6. Top Translator

1) Qualification:  The first 5 native writers who have translated the most pages of documents each quarter and each year.
2) Reward: a badge + 4,000 coins (each quarter), a badge + 8,000 coins (each year)
3) Quantity: 5 members
4) Event Entrance: click HERE to join

NOTE: Five winners will be selected from all three regions including Italy, Thailand, and Indonesia.

7. Premium Translator

1) Qualification: The first 5 native writers whose translation quality scores are ranked top 5 each quarter and each year.
2) Reward:  a badge + 6,000 coins (each quarter), a badge + 12,000 coins (each year)
3) Quantity:  5 members
4) Event Entrance: click HERE to join

NOTE: Five winners will be selected from all three regions including Italy, Thailand, and Indonesia.

8. Top Tester

1) Qualification:  The testers who have participated Sangfor Beta Program and provided some effective suggestions including user experience, function improvement, new demand for Sangfor products.
2) Reward:  a badge + 8,000 coins (each year)
3) Quantity:  no limited
4) Event Entrance:  click HERE to join

This incentive standard will be taken effect from January 2023. Should you have any questions, please feel free to leave your comments under this post.

- END -

rogerinfo Lv1Posted 09 Dec 2022 07:33
i hope will be the atleast top 3
Noviyanto Lv3Posted 09 Dec 2022 11:42
What about this year's achievement, will it be counted as well?
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 10 Dec 2022 08:29
great activity from sangfor
rogerinfo Lv1Posted 16 Dec 2022 07:36
who will win the top of the year
mumtazmazhar Lv1Posted 02 Jan 2023 22:40
great activity from Sangfor :-)
rogerinfo Lv1Posted 03 Jan 2023 07:34
who win? hmmm
Zonger Lv5Posted 09 Jan 2023 20:03
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 13 Jan 2023 08:29
Is there a Annual Prize last 2022?
rivsy Lv5Posted 13 Jan 2023 10:53
Will wait for the 2022 annual award