Debian VM not showing IP address on HCI web interfaces

  • 92
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Issue Description

Debian VM was unable to display the IP address on VM interfaces after installed vmtools.

Error/Warning Information

Handling Process

1. Checking from the vmtools script, the vmtools retrieve the VM OS through lsb-release -a command.

2. However, the affected vm was not able to return a result and there is no lsb-release component installed in the vm.

3. Try installed lsb-release -a but the installation was failed due to no appropriate respository.

4. Checking from /etc/apt/sources.list, itdo not have relevant respository, proceed to add the relevant respository generate from

5. After this, install ldb_release through the command of apt-get install lsb-release, make sure the DNS was able to resolve the respository name.

6. After this, lsb-release should return an output and IP should be displayed on the vm interfaces.

Root Cause

lsb-release -a not return an output causing vmtools could not get an exact guest OS and further resulting the HCI could not display the VM IP.


Refer to the hanlding method.

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 7746
Author: Jun_Sheng17
Updated: 2022-12-27 10:06