Video redirection not working

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Issue Description

After follow the instruction guide installed the redirection extension on template and deployed to VM, the video redirection still not taking effect.

Handling Process

1. In the VM, ensure that Google Chrome redirection extension has been successfully installed, it can be checked through chrome://extensions/

2. VDC video redirection policy was configured correctly. The policy also associate to User and VM correctly.

3. Checking from VM internally, open the folder under the path Local Disk (C: ) > Windows > Temp > TmpSangforVdi > ShellMsg_01_s1_xxx.dat, the redirection did not took effect in the vm.

4. After checking, it was identified that HEDC protocol was not suitable under video redirection scenario.

Root Cause

Video redirection scenario was not compatible with HEDC protocol,


Change HEDC to SRAP protocol. After this, the video redirection should able to work normally.


1. Video redirection only works in thin client with specific model, not applicable to EDU-50, STD-100, Windows, macOS and Android/iOS thin clients.
2. Ensure that the extension has been correctly installed.
3. VDC policy has been configured correctly
Edward Ma Lv1Posted 05 Apr 2023 18:20
Easy to read and understand!

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 7744
Author: Jun_Sheng17
Updated: 2022-12-27 10:31