Robin Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-12 19:59
IAG 13.0.47 (Stable release) is the newest
sanjigerma Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-12 21:09
13.0.47 was the stable release as of now
Snipe Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-12 21:12
download the IAG 13.0.47 release
ZoroZoro Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-12 21:25
The most updated version is IAG 13.0.47
Luih Miranda Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-13 16:03
The latest stable release of Sangfor Team is IAG 13.0.47, because it is updated, improved and fix some known vulnerabilities, fix known error and critical error from previous version.
Happpy Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-13 16:35
Please used the latest FW:
IAG 13.0.47 (Stable release)
grayice499 Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-13 16:41
IAG 13.0.47 should you use
LucyHeart Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-13 16:53
3.0.47 is the stable and 3.0.74 is coming
nobitachou Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-13 21:20

The latest stable release of Sangfor Team is IAG 13.0.47
babeshuka Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-13 21:26
Suggested firmware is IAG 13.0.47

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