[Ended]#Weekly Event# Round 125 - Crossword Puzzle

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 27 Sep 2022 10:40

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Welcome to the Round 125 - Crossword Puzzle game! Fill in the blanks on the puzzle board with the correct words to win the coins!

[Event Dauration]
Sep. 27 - Oct. 3

[Event Rewards]
100 coins for each correct word answer! 500 coins in total if all 5 words are answered correctly!

[Puzzle Board]
1. a value calculated from a block of data, used to detect errors in transmitted data.
2. the practice of managing two separate but coherent styles of work: one focused on predictability; the other on exploration.
3. A baseband local-area network (LAN) originally developed by Xerox and supported by Intel, Digital Equipment (now Compaq Computer) and Hewlett-Packard.
4. A system of planning that focuses resources on attainment of both strategic and tactical objectives. Also known as “policy development” or hoshin kanri.
5. An automatic media handler for an optical disk drive, also called a library.

       (Google may help~)

1. Checksum
2. Bimodal
3. Ethernet
4. Hoshin
5. Jukebox

Award Announcement
Congratulate the following 127 participants on getting 500 coins for replying with 5 right answers.
