ES Manager (CentOS) Will go down if we scan it

Draiden Lv2Posted 10 Sep 2022 14:54

Just find it very odd. When you try to pentest your CentOS ES Manager, the ES manager will go offline.

I only do nmap -sV -sC -T4 "IP" --scripts http-headers.nse

Anyone tried it?

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Thank you all for your great suggestions.

I found out that one of the SOC team just killed any intrusions touching the EDR.
There's nothing wrong with the script even invoking -sC and --script.

So yes, CentOS ES manager is working good!

Thank you all!
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Draiden Lv2Posted 14 Sep 2022 14:00
Thank you all for your great suggestions.

I found out that one of the SOC team just killed any intrusions touching the EDR.
There's nothing wrong with the script even invoking -sC and --script.

So yes, CentOS ES manager is working good!

Thank you all!
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Draiden Lv2Posted 16 Sep 2022 17:28
Its okay now guys thanks!

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