PC lost connection while uploading files

  • 57
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Issue Description

PC lost connection access while trying to upload files over Internet

Handling Process

1. Check Monitor > Security Logs to verify whether blocked by Anti-DDos policy UDP Flood
2. Add Custom Services for QUIC UDP port 80&443 (Objects > Services > Custom Services)
3. Add Application Control Policy to deny QUIC service

Root Cause

Some of the websites using UDP port 80 & 443 for communication by default, there are large number of UDP traffic generated while uploading files over Internet and triggered Anti-DDOS policy causing user IP blocked by NGAF resulting in lost connection.


Configure Application Control Policy to block UDP port 80 & 443 to force traffic communicate in TCP protocol.

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 7285
Author: CTI_kaizhi
Updated: 2022-10-05 11:25