[Ended] #Weekly Event# Round 105 - Crossword Puzzle

Sangfor Vickie Posted 10 May 2022 10:28

Last edited by Sangfor Vickie 17 May 2022 10:28.

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Welcome to the Round 105 - Crossword Puzzle game!
Fill in the blanks on the puzzle board with the correct words to win the coins!

[Event Dauration]
May. 10 – May. 16

[Event Rewards]
100 coins for each correct word answer! 500 coins in total if all 5 words are answered correctly!

[Puzzle Board]
1. It is a type of nonclassical computing that operates on the quantum state of subatomic particles.
2. It refers to an automatic inspection such that defects can be prevented from moving further along in the production process.
3. It is a two-terminal passive memory device in which the stored logic state is represented by the resistance value.
4. It is a technique used in lean manufacturing (i.e., just-in-time) environments to reduce process cycle time by managing flow.
5. They are smaller than picocells. These cellular base stations are designed for use in residential or corporate environments that connect to the customer’s broadband connection using an IP link.
(Google may help~)

1. Quantum computing
2. Jidoka
3. Memristor
4. Kanban
5. Femtocell

-----------------------------------------/ Coins Giveaway /-------------------------------------------
Congratulate the following participants on getting 5 right answers and winning 500 coins.
@Faisal Piliang @rjforti5 @Mike Lee @Sangfor_Brando @benjie @ND @Hossien_52327 @ohwrd21 @Angello @CTI TF @BoonSeong @Cman81 @Osama Muhammad @Dominic Hendro @Pat
Congratulate the following participants on getting 4 right answers and winning 400 coins.
@Farina Ahmed @jetjetd @Bebe_Bote @plp @Jdc @rivsy @Luih Miranda @Daniel Mataya @gay clarin @VILMA ESPIRITU @Vhee012 @Shery025 @Prince28 @Precious @Najamulhassnain @Hamid Hussain @TanzeelaHaider @Arif Wasi @Bilal Atif @Rosie Jacinto @Shiraz Ali @Aiko @Raza Islam @Junaid @Rea Lusterio @Jun_Sheng17 @chepadrinao @Liza Perez @ElvinPadrinao @Fverdillo @Newbie642977 @EvelynH @NewbieCath @Dennis Rosario @Rosemarie