[Ended] #Weekly Event# Round 101 - Crossword Puzzle

Sangfor Vickie Posted 12 Apr 2022 10:21

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Welcome to the Round 101 - Crossword Puzzle game!
Fill in the blanks on the puzzle board with the correct words to win the coins!

[Event Dauration]
Apr. 12 – Apr. 18

[Event Rewards]
100 coins for each correct word answer! 500 coins in total if all 5 words are answered correctly!

[Puzzle Board]
1. It is a multidisciplinary team that blends technology or analytics and business domain expertise and shares accountability for business and technology outcomes.
2. They are focused primarily on the governance and life cycle management of a wide range of operationalized artificial intelligence (AI) and decision models
3. It is a business-driven, disciplined approach that organizations use to rapidly identify, vet and automate as many business and IT processes as possible.
4. It is the delivery of traditional financial services digitally, through devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones.
5. It tests the performance and quality of a line or terminating equipment.

1. Fusion Team
2. ModelOps
3. Hyperautomation
4. Digital Finance
5. Loopback

-------------------------------------/ Coins Giveaway /-------------------------------------------

Congratulate the following participants on getting 5 right answers and winning 500 coins.
@Faisal @Pat @Cman81 @ND @regidorreyes @Dominic Hendro @Ghostlying @Christ Lee

Congratulate the following participants on getting 4 right answers and winning 400 coins.
@newbie9090 @Najamulhassnain @rivsy @Junaid @Hamid Hussain @TanzeelaHaider @Sangfor_Brando @Jhazz @Luih Miranda @Jdc @KatAndres @Rea Lusterio @chepadrinao @Fverdillo @ElvinPadrinao @DennisRosario @EvelynH @Newbie642977 @Liza Perez @Arif Wasi @Farina Ahmed @Cristian G @Muhammad Bilal @Shiraz Ali @Bilal Atif @Mike Lee @plp @gay clarin