Health Check showing VS client service abnormal

  • 214
  • 2

Issue Description

After user performed upgrade or node expansion, found that Virtual storage client service was abnormal.

Error/Warning Information

Handling Process

1. Checking brick status by using gluster volume info command, found that bricks was online but NFS server for that problematic node is abnormal.

2. When performing integrity check, it also result failure with NFS server related error message.

3. Further check on current NFS pid and the NFS file, found that the NFS pid was not same.

4. After having verification, identify that it was a known issue where the NFS pid was not updated after having upgrade, it would require to manually update the NFS pid file with the following command:

echo `pidof glusterfs` > /var/run/vs/

5. After this, the issue was resolved and health check result was passed.

Root Cause

NFS did not update its pid file lead to the pid process not update as well.


Manually update the pid to update its process.
Faisal Posted 09 Apr 2022 23:26
Raza Islam Lv3Posted 15 Jun 2022 18:46
Thanks for sharing.

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 5715
Author: Jun_Sheng17
Updated: 2022-01-28 10:40