[Ended] Round 2 - Video of the Week

Sangfor Elsa Posted 17 Jun 2020 17:02

Hi everyone,

We have more than 130 memebrs joined our last NEW video event and all of you have find the right answer to the question in the video!

What a great success!

Now, Let's continue to the secound round!

Donot forget that you can find the deployment, configuration video tutorials in the community Resources > Video Library section, and also on Sangfor Technologies Youtube channel!

Videos are easy to watch and follow, besides although the subtitles are English, but you can use the Youtube cc function Auto-translate to change the subtitle into your local language to better understand the content!

[Event Duration] June 18 - June 24

[Event Rewards] Get 100 coins if you answer the question from the video, another 100 coins if the answer is right.

[How to play]
1. Watch the video selected for this week.
2. A question from the video will be asked.
3. Reply your answer to the question in this thread.
4. Your answer is only visible to the author.

Round 2 - Video of the Week

Update on June 29

What problem can be solved by configuring tunnel NAT without changing the branch network segment?
Answer: it will solve the problem of IP conflict.