[Ended] Round 8 - Crossword Puzzle Game

Sangfor Elsa Posted 07 Feb 2020 18:39

Dear all,

Welcome to the Round 8 - Crossword Puzzle game!

This time, we have provided a little help to you all!

Fill in the blanks on the puzzle board with the correct words to win the coins!

[Event Duration] Feb.08 - Feb.14

[Event Rewards] 100 coins for each correct word answer! 500 coins in total if all 5 words are answered correctly!


Puzzle Board.

Puzzle Answers.

1. It refers to the hardware address of a device connected to a shared network. - Mac

2. a graphic format. - Gif

3. a network technology that enables data to travel at 10 megabits per second. - Ethernet

4. a term that refers to accessing a remote computer. - Connect

5. a method of exchanging files between computers via the Internet. - Ftp

We have a record of most participants this time! Thank you all for joining us, let's continue to have more events together!