Happy New Year 2020!

Sangfor Elsa Posted 2019-Dec-30 18:20


Greetings members,

2020 is on its way to us, may the closeness of friends and the unity of our community, renew your spirits this holiday season.

Share the community with your best wishes or your new year goals.

[Event Duration] 2019 Dec.31 – 2020 Jan. 6

We are all wishing you a very best 2020.

[New Year Gift] 1000 coins for the 8%, 18%, 28%, 38%, 48%, 58%, 68%, 78%, 88% th reply of the total amount of the replies in this thread. And a special 2000 coins for the last reply.

[How to reply]
1. You can reply as many as 5 times, beyond that the rest replies will not be counted in the gift events. And other’s replies will be moved up in the total reply rank.
2. You can reply with anything regarding the new year's wish or solution.
3. Coins will be sent out within 1 week after the event ends.

We hope your holiday season sparkles with the moments of joy, laughter, and goodwill, and may the year of 2020 be full of love and accomplishment.

-------------------- Update on Jan. 7 --------------------
It is 2020 NOW!
Thank you all for sharing your New Year wished and goals!

"MuhammadFardeen" has replied more than 5 times, "Dominic Hendro", "Bewok", "Aries" and "yakubi" have shared their passion and communicate with members by replying other's comments.

Therefore, the other replies beyond 5 will not be

counted in this event which are the 7th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 132nd, 133rd, 153rd replies and the main post itself.

After review and confirmation, we have 147 valid replies. And the lucky winners for this event are:

1000 coins for each one!

8% reply is the 11th reply: Siva
18% reply is the 26th reply: Robert Aryadi
28% reply is the 41st reply: marlissn
38% reply is the 55th reply: Aries
48% reply is the 70th reply: ITD_Mitch
58% reply is the 85th reply: Surbakti
68% reply is the 99th reply: yakubi
78% reply is the 114th reply: Dina
88% reply is the 129th reply: Novi Yanti

The largest winner of the last reply for 2000 coins is: marlissn

Congratulations and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
MuhammadFardeen Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-31 06:14
As we celebrate the New Year 2020, I wish everyone success, a healthy long life and a fresh new start. Happy New Year 2020 !
MuhammadFardeen Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-31 06:15
Wishing you a year full of happiness and prosperity. May this year give you the opportunity to follow your dreams, love like there is no tomorrow and smile unconditionally.
MuhammadFardeen Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-31 06:18
Cheers to a better life and a bright future.
Cheers to a new year and a fond farewell to the old.
MuhammadFardeen Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-31 06:22
To all of my SANGFOR Community friends and members may your community be full of New Year wishes from people you barely know! Once Again Happy New Year
MuhammadFardeen Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-31 06:23
I am so blessed in many ways but I am grateful to be celebrating the New Year with you....
MuhammadFardeen Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-31 06:25
New Year, new you, new resolution, new change, new beginning, new opportunities. Happy New Year to you!
GodLike Posted 2019-Dec-31 09:06
happy new year! Is time for us to summarize our 2019, hope that you had a fruitful and yet satisfied year 2019.
HengxD Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-31 10:48
Wishing Sangfor Community a great New Year! How about if we get fame, champagne and cash instead of joy, happiness and peace?
HengxD Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-31 10:48
I wish you only blessings as we enter a brand new year. Enjoy your holiday time.