VanFlyheights Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:24
#VDI Client stuck during installation# -English is the only version. Though it is simple guide, I suggest to have Bahasa or other language.
VanFlyheights Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:26
#VDI Client stuck during installation# - This guide/article is simplier and informative than other VDI guide.
VanFlyheights Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:26
#Sangfor_NGAF_v8.0.47_Network_Port_Rate_Abnormal_Troubleshooting_Guide# It should be a stable release not the beta.
VanFlyheights Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:27
#IP Location Database display abnormal# This is a really good troubleshooting guide and can help other members that experience this kind of issue
noime Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:28
#Sangfor HCI 5.8.8 P2V Migration (Physical  to Virtual)# I really love this guide. It is very informative and easy to follow
noime Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:29
#Sangfor_NGAF_v8.0.47_Network_Port_Rate_Abnormal_Troubleshooting_Guide# I suggest to have Bahasa version
noime Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:29
#Sangfor_NGAF_v8.0.47_Network_Port_Rate_Abnormal_Troubleshooting_Guide# as per rating, it is overall good article, not hard to understand.
noime Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:30
#After installed the EacyConnect, it keep  prompt out the "ENSURE failed" error message# I can't see the details of this guide. Why do I redirected?
noime Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:31

#VDI Client stuck during installation# - This page is the simpliest I ever seen and it more reliable
Adonis001 Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-10 11:32
#VDI Client stuck during installation# - I suggest to have more version on language