Adonis001 Lv3Posted 19 Oct 2022 09:34
1. Password authentication
2. Open Authetication
3. SSO
5. self registration
Mikee Lv2Posted 19 Oct 2022 09:35
Password authentication, Open Authetication, SSO, DKEY, self registration, wechat, email, SMS, social media and QR code.
isabelita Lv3Posted 19 Oct 2022 09:35
1. Open authentication Authentication based on IP, MAC, Hostname
2. Username/Password based authentication
3. SSO Authentication
4. DKEY Authentication
5. WeChat Authentication
6. SMS Authentication
7. Social media account authentication
8. QR code authentication
9. Oauth authentication
Nami Lv2Posted 19 Oct 2022 10:04
1. Open authentication Authentication based on IP, MAC, Hostname
2. Username/Password based authentication
3. SSO Authentication
KarenD Lv2Posted 19 Oct 2022 10:17
Authentication methods include passwords, Open Authentication, SSO, DKEY, self-registration, WeChat, emails, SMS, social media, and QR codes.
Jay Taruc Lv2Posted 19 Oct 2022 10:23

Password authentication, Open Authetication, SSO, DKEY, self registration, wechat, email, SMS, social media and QR code
Randolfy Lv2Posted 19 Oct 2022 10:40
Open authentication Authentication based on IP, MAC, Hostname, Username/Password based authentication, SSO, DKEY . WeChat , SMS , Social media account , QR code , Oauth , User self registration
Gomu Lv2Posted 19 Oct 2022 11:21
1. Open authentication Authentication based on IP, MAC, Hostname
2. Username/Password based authentication
Franky Lv3Posted 19 Oct 2022 12:09
1- Password authentication,
2- Open authentication,
3- SSO
4- Self-registration,
5- WeChat,
6- email,
7- SMS,
Fisher Lv2Posted 19 Oct 2022 12:10
1- Password authentication,
2- Open authentication,
3- SSO
4- Self-registration,

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