babeshuka Lv3Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:28
A built-in disk inspection capability of Sangfor WANO may be set to operate on a regular basis. This function may be used to identify and fix possible disk issues before they result in service interruptions.
LucyHeart Lv3Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:29
When Sangfor WANO notices a disk problem, it will immediately start a disk check to try to fix the issue.
damulagski Lv3Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:30
Sangfor WANO will automatically start a disk check on all drives when the system is turned back on if there is a power loss. This is done to make sure that the power loss did not corrupt the disks.
Happpy Lv3Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:31
I believe there is a bug in the current firmware, you can try upgrading to the most recent version. You could try contacting TAC support and submitting a case if upgrading didn't resolve the issue.
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:32
There is big chance that your HDD Hardaware has occured some issues of it is already defective that is why WANO is always checking. You may contact Sangfor Support Team for faster escalation of issues.
soneosansan Lv3Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:34
Sangfor WANO's integrated disk inspection feature may be programmed to run consistently. Before they cause service outages, potential disk problems may be found and fixed with this tool.
aaditiya Lv1Posted 2023-Nov-01 10:56
Thanks everyone for all your answer. Some of you replies here and suggest to replace the HD to SSD. My question is, can I just replace the HD with SSD without need to do some configuration on Sangfor? If yes, maybe I'll consider it.

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