Ashley Anne Lv2Posted 2022-Nov-28 10:54
The main fix is to force log out all users at 12am, and if the problem persists, the fix for hibernation users is to toggle off and on the wifi connection.
damulagski Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-28 10:57
Please shutdown/logout all users that is the key
Rashley Lv2Posted 2022-Nov-28 10:57
My suggestion for this one is to require users to shut down their computers after working. This will solve your problem while also saving you money on electricity. It is also recommended that computers be shut down when not in use to avoid overheating of some chips on the motherboard.
SteveD Lv2Posted 2022-Nov-28 11:01
Users must be required to shut down their computers after working. This will both solve your problem and save you money on electricity. It is also recommended that computers be turned off when not in use to avoid overheating of some motherboard chips.
Happpy Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-28 11:01
That is very complicated scenario. Following this footstep
KarenD Lv2Posted 2022-Nov-28 11:10
That is an extremely complicated scenario. This is the next step.
kmrnliaqat Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-28 12:46
Please ask the user to shutdowb the system after working hours
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-Nov-28 14:06
User must shutdown their system after working hours
Pat Lv4Posted 2022-Nov-28 16:31
I agree with shutting down all users after working hours
arjay Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-01 00:52
Best solution for this one is to advised all the users to shutdown their machines instead of leaving it in hibernate status.

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