Ashley Anne Lv2Posted 2022-Nov-14 15:14
In the system options, it is possible to do so.
kmrnliaqat Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-14 19:05
Please check systsem options
damulagski Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-14 21:24
Set the SMTP and IMAP server then go
Happpy Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-14 21:43
schedule mail is supported
nobitachou Lv2Posted 2022-Nov-14 21:44
Go to the general settings then select the alerts
LucyHeart Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-14 21:49
type schedule then press enter
mumtazmazhar Lv1Posted 2022-Nov-15 19:28
Set the SMTP Server in the "System Options" Then click "Add" on the "Report Subscription" page, select "Using new template," give this one your preferred name, and in the "Daily" section, select "Receive by mail" and the additional email address you specified.
jetjetd Lv5Posted 2022-Nov-16 00:42
Set your SMTP Server in System Options and put your preferred name. Select "Received by Email" and additional email address you specified.
Faisal P Posted 2022-Nov-16 22:22
You can choose to either schedule mail protection reports to be sent to your inbox automatically, or you can view them any time

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