Enrico Vanzetto Lv4Posted 2024-Sep-23 14:15
Hi, the port use for active/standby aCMP communication is port 4430
Muhammad Shiraz Lv1Posted 2024-Sep-23 14:34
In HCI (5.8.8 Version),
the active/standby aCMP communication uses TCP port 9000. This port helps the two nodes in the cluster talk to each other. Always check your setup or documentation for any changes.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2024-Sep-23 15:10
The port used for active/standby communication between aCMP (Active Cluster Management Protocol) instances in load balancer configurations is typically TCP port 8888.
NewbieD Lv3Posted 2024-Sep-23 15:26
the port use for active/standby aCMP communication is port 4430
EHern Lv3Posted 2024-Sep-23 15:27
for active/standby aCMP communication is port 4430
NewbieC Lv3Posted 2024-Sep-23 15:28
the port that will use for active/standby aCMP communication is port 4430
Denz Lv3Posted 2024-Sep-23 15:29
the port use for active/standby aCMP communication is port 4430
Newbie290036 Posted 2024-Sep-23 15:40
The Active/Standby aCMP communication uses port 12345.
Marco Ruggiero Lv1Posted 2024-Sep-23 15:44
the port is tcp 5000
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2024-Sep-23 18:15
The communication between the active and standby aCMP typically uses TCP port 65432.