Franky Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-11 15:43
#IP Location Database display abnormal# I suggest to have multiple language
Gomu Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-12 23:43
#VDI Client stuck during installation# - I strongly suggest to have more language
Gomu Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-12 23:43
#Sangfor HCI 5.8.8 P2V Migration (Physical  to Virtual)# Totally great installation guide.
Gomu Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-12 23:44
#Sangfor_NGAF_v8.0.47_Network_Port_Rate_Abnormal_Troubleshooting_Guide# I think it doesn't resolve the issue.
Gomu Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-12 23:45
#Sangfor_NGAF_v8.0.47_Network_Port_Rate_Abnormal_Troubleshooting_Guide# I think this article must have more language
Nami Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-12 23:46
#IP Location Database display abnormal# It is not okay because the update definition is the solution
Nami Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-12 23:46
#VDI Client stuck during installation# - Simplicity is the best. Nice work!
Nami Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-12 23:47

#VDI Client stuck during installation# - More language please
Nami Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-12 23:48
#After installed the EacyConnect, it keep  prompt out the "ENSURE failed" error message# Astonishing work but it is too long.
Racoon Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-12 23:49
#Sangfor HCI 5.8.8 P2V Migration (Physical  to Virtual)# It was one of the most read guide and helpful guide for the beginners.