Migrate from IBM Power8 to Sangfor HCI 5

moazanjum Lv1Posted 03 Oct 2023 19:58

I have a customer and they are using IBM Power8 based machines. Now they want to switch towards an HCI solution using intel-based commodity hardware. However, AIX + DB2 are running smoothly on IBM servers.
they still want to explore option if there is a possibility to migrate these machines to HCI platform.
question is:
1) Is it possible to do so without changing OS platform i.e: AIX to RHEL
2) Does Sangfor HCI supports? or is there any service offered by Sangfor to size, plan & migrate the whole IBM thing to a new platform including the application and OS etc..

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Functionality of the database in AIX is identical to that running on RHEL X86. But due to differences in endianness (Big-Endian to Little-Endian) a traditional Db2 Backup and Restore will not work. The data must be “byte reversed" and reloaded.
In a nutshell yes DB2 can be migrated from AIX platform to x86 RHEL (Conditions Applied for Migration) but as for AIX OS it is not possible.
Can share detailed migration steps for DB2 if needed.
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Abdul Sami Lv2Posted 05 Oct 2023 12:04
Functionality of the database in AIX is identical to that running on RHEL X86. But due to differences in endianness (Big-Endian to Little-Endian) a traditional Db2 Backup and Restore will not work. The data must be “byte reversed" and reloaded.
In a nutshell yes DB2 can be migrated from AIX platform to x86 RHEL (Conditions Applied for Migration) but as for AIX OS it is not possible.
Can share detailed migration steps for DB2 if needed.
Ann Max Lv2Posted 09 Oct 2023 13:27
1) Migrating from AIX to RHEL on an HCI platform is technically possible, but it would require significant effort and expertise. AIX and RHEL are different operating systems, so there would be challenges in terms of software compatibility, application migration, and potential performance differences. It may involve rewriting or reconfiguring applications to ensure they work properly on the new platform.

2) Sangfor HCI is a hyper-converged infrastructure solution that primarily runs on x86-based commodity hardware. While Sangfor HCI can support RHEL as an operating system, it's important to note that it does not officially support AIX. Therefore, migrating AIX-based machines running DB2 to Sangfor HCI might be challenging, as there may not be direct support or tools available for the migration process.

Regarding the service offered by Sangfor, it's recommended to contact their technical support or consulting services directly. They will be able to provide specific information on whether they offer services to help with sizing, planning, and migrating the IBM Power8-based machines to their HCI platform, and what level of support they can provide for the migration of AIX and DB2 applications.
mdamores Lv3Posted 09 Oct 2023 14:44
Hello  moazanjum,

Migration existing platform to HCI platform using intel based commodity hardware is a complex task and involves significant planning and effort.  with regards to your question, please see below

1. Is it possible to do so without changing OS platform i.e., AIX to RHEL?
- migrating from AIX to different hardware platform like x86 based HCI typically involves changing the operating system. AIX is designed to run on IBM power architecture, while HCI's are generally based on x86 architecture and common for OS like Linux or Windows. So, you might need to migrate your AIX based applications to a new OS platform like RHEL or supported Linux distribution on HCI hardware

2. Does Sangfor HCI support this, or is there any service offered by Sangfor to size, plan, and migrate the whole IBM thing to a new platform including the application and OS, etc.?
- Sangfor HCI primarlty supports x86-based hardware and virtualization technologies like VMWare and Hyper-V and doesn't support AIX natively. Other HCI providers, usually offer professional services to help plan and execute migrations.
Zonger Lv5Posted 09 Oct 2023 16:25
Transitioning from AIX and DB2 to an HCI platform on Intel-based hardware without changing the OS is exceptionally challenging due to differences in architecture and compatibility. Professional services and careful planning are essential, and third-party experts may be required to execute a successful migration. HCI vendors like Sangfor can assist with infrastructure deployment but may not cover the complexities of migrating from AIX to Linux.
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 09 Oct 2023 16:27
1. It is possible to migrate AIX machines to the HCI platform without changing the OS platform.
2. Sangfor HCI supports migrating AIX machines to the HCI platform. Sangfor also offers services to size, plan and migrate the entire IBM environment to a new platform, including the applications and OS.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 09 Oct 2023 18:25
Operating System Migration:
It's not possible to migrate AIX directly to a different hardware platform without changing the OS. AIX is specific to IBM Power Systems architecture, so migrating to a commodity Intel-based platform would typically involve an OS change, such as migrating to RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux).

Sangfor HCI Support and Services:
Sangfor HCI does not provide specific services for migrating IBM Power8 systems to their platform. It's advisable to consult Sangfor's official documentation or contact their support for the most current and detailed information on their offerings.
jerome_itable Lv3Posted 11 Oct 2023 08:24
Is it possible to migrate AIX DB2 to Sangfor HCI without changing OS?

Yes, it is possible to migrate AIX DB2 to Sangfor HCI without changing the OS. Sangfor HCI supports AIX as a guest operating system, and it provides a number of tools and features to make the migration process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Does Sangfor HCI supports? or is there any service offered by Sangfor to size, plan & migrate the whole IBM thing to a new platform including the application and OS etc.?

Yes, Sangfor HCI supports the migration of AIX DB2 from IBM Power8 machines to Sangfor HCI. Sangfor also offers a number of services to help customers size, plan, and migrate their AIX DB2 environments to Sangfor HCI.

Here are some of the key benefits of migrating AIX DB2 to Sangfor HCI:

    Reduced costs: Sangfor HCI is a cost-effective HCI solution that can help customers save money on their hardware and software costs.
    Improved performance: Sangfor HCI is a high-performance HCI solution that can help customers improve the performance of their AIX DB2 environments.
    Increased scalability: Sangfor HCI is a scalable HCI solution that can help customers grow their AIX DB2 environments as needed.
    Enhanced reliability: Sangfor HCI is a highly reliable HCI solution that can help customers improve the reliability of their AIX DB2 environments.

How to migrate AIX DB2 to Sangfor HCI:

The following is a high-level overview of the steps involved in migrating AIX DB2 to Sangfor HCI:

    Plan the migration: This includes determining the scope of the migration, assessing the risks, and developing a migration plan.
    Prepare the source environment: This includes backing up the AIX DB2 database and configuring the AIX server for migration.
    Prepare the target environment: This includes installing Sangfor HCI and configuring it for AIX DB2.
    Migrate the AIX DB2 database: This can be done using a variety of tools and methods, such as live migration or cold migration.
    Test the migrated environment: This includes testing the AIX DB2 database and applications to ensure that they are working properly.
    Cut over to the migrated environment: This involves switching from the source environment to the target environment.
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 11 Oct 2023 11:40
Can AIX DB2 be migrated to Sangfor HCI without switching OSs?

Without changing the OS, it is feasible to go from AIX DB2 to Sangfor HCI. In order to facilitate and speed up the migration process, Sangfor HCI supports AIX as a guest operating system and offers a variety of tools and functionalities.

Sangfor HCI supports, right? Or does Sangfor provide any services to size, plan, and migrate everything associated with IBM to a new platform, including the application and OS etc.?
Noah19 Lv3Posted 12 Oct 2023 14:57
The database's functionality on AIX is the same as it is under RHEL X86. However, a standard Db2 Backup and Restore will not function because to variations in endianness (from Big-Endian to Little-Endian). The information has to be "byte reversed" and reloaded.

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