Duration? 50

MISMIS Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-25 00:38

What is TIARA duration to provide recommendations, improvement plans and remediation assistance

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It is depends on type of network, number of endpoints, number of threats detected and many more.
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rivsy Lv5Posted 2022-Dec-25 14:38
It is depends on type of network, number of endpoints, number of threats detected and many more.
Jhazz Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-26 19:20
TIARA duration is different from one other because they have different setup and configuration
Faisal P Posted 2022-Dec-26 21:29
TIARA Recommendations: improvement plans and remediation assistance to take the overall security posture to the next level.
Pat Lv4Posted 2022-Dec-28 13:09
TIARA duration is dependent on some factors such number of endpoints etc.
Arleng Lv2Posted 2022-Dec-28 13:29
TIARA duration has dfferent configurations
jed Lv2Posted 2022-Dec-28 13:42
it depends on the type of network you have
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2022-Dec-28 14:06
TIARA is a turnkey service that helps customers understand their current threat posture within 2-4 weeks duration, leveragin Sangfor's very own technology and hardware.
jetjetd Lv5Posted 2022-Dec-29 23:14
With the use of Sangfor's proprietary hardware and technology, TIARA is a turnkey service that assists clients in understanding their current threat posture within 2-4 weeks.
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-01 16:27
It always depends on the network and users

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