SSL VPN Client

Newbie773728 Lv1Posted 2020-May-04 14:50

Last edited by Newbie773728 15 May 2020 09:06.

Last edited by Newbie773728 04 May 2020 15:01.

Dear Sangfor Master

i had Problem connect with SSL VPN
after i download & install
try to login success but always
bring me back to this

any idea???

I have tried
reinstall in Control panel & also in C:\Program Files (x86)\Sangfor\AF\SSL\SangforCSClient
still can't use VPN

how to uninstall it cleanly???
.dll file always there

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Sangfor_Yong Lv1Posted 2020-May-05 09:11
Dear sir,
We already received your mail and responded to it. Kindly check and reply to the email as well.
Newbie773728 Lv1Posted 2023-Feb-10 15:08
case closed

I think the most important thing about this SSL VPN is IE apps or if in win11 or more u must setup to IE mode there

and must safari in Mac OS

never works in firefox any platform
I dunno if i used linux like ubuntu or another OS