[Ended] Round 37 - Comment on Resources

Sangfor Elsa Posted 04 Mar 2020 16:26

Hello members,

Welcome to the 37th Comment on Resources event!

Visit our Resource section and the Knowledge Base section, share us with your comments on the documents to help us provide more and better materials for you!

[Event Duration]
Round 37 - Mar.5 to Mar.11

[How to Play]
1. View or download the document you need.
2. Rate the document and leave a comment.
3. Screenshot your comment and paste it in this thread.

The Screenshot Sample:

[Event Rewards]
As usual, Every reply will be rewarded with 50 coin tokens! Maximum 250 coin tokens you can get in one event.

1. Please leave authentic comments, other unrelated contents will not be counted as a record.
2. Each person can reply as many as 5 times in one event with 5 different comments on resources. But DO NOT try to paste the same comment 5 times~
3. Coin tokens will be rewarded in the next week after all the replies are reviewed and confirmed.

Do not forget the
Knowledge Base, try the new materials and find what you need~
marlissn Lv2Posted 05 Mar 2020 09:12
marlissn Lv2Posted 05 Mar 2020 09:17
marlissn Lv2Posted 05 Mar 2020 09:19
marlissn Lv2Posted 05 Mar 2020 09:29
marlissn Lv2Posted 05 Mar 2020 09:30
ivangandaria12 Lv4Posted 05 Mar 2020 12:16
how to paste my screenshot in this thread?
MasKopi Lv3Posted 05 Mar 2020 22:47
Thank you for sharing

IMG_20200305_214646.jpg (9.64 KB, Downloads: 600)

blabla516 Lv2Posted 07 Mar 2020 00:10
Sangfor_Brando Lv5Posted 09 Mar 2020 09:05