Addressing Junk Message Posts in the Community Forum

Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2024-Feb-21 12:37

Hello Administrator,

I have noticed many junk message posts on our community forum. These irrelevant and spammy messages clutter the forum and create a negative impression of your brand.


- Improve moderation to remove spam swiftly.
- Consider manual approval for new user registrations to prevent spam.
- Use country filters to reduce spam from specific countries.
- Set up filters to detect common spam keywords and prevent their publication.
- Encourage users to report suspicious content for quick action.

Thank you for considering this suggestion.

We are looking forward to positive changes!

Best regards,

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Noviyanto Lv3Posted 2024-Feb-26 10:25
Nice suggestion. It is really annoying about the spam messages
admin Posted 2024-Feb-22 14:19
Thanks for your suggestions. We will collaborate with the IT team to reduce spamming posts.