#Troubleshooting#VDI data diversion space Issue

Murtaza Akbar Lv1Posted 2023-May-03 20:15

Product Version
Product : VDI
Version : 5.5.0 EN
Issue Description
As per our vdi envirement ,we have a more than100 VM’s on VDI and all user data divert to centralize location,but the issueis as per Group policy all the user data will not lie on VDI VM it move toanother location .but its not happening data is occupying same space on VDI VMas well as centralize location.
Handling Process
·        First we update the GPO on user VMand also restart the VM twice.
·        We observe that the syncronizationis enable on local VM, that’s why its keep the data on local machine which isoccuping local machine space and also sync with the centralize location.so wehave to disable the sync Center.

After Create the new VM ,First you have tocheck the sync center is enable or disable.
Step 1
You have to go in the My comuter ,as you cansee highlighted icon is showing sync center is Enabled.

Step 2
You have to go in the control panel and disablethe sync Center.

Click on Manage offline files.

As you can see sync is enabled ,Now Click onDisable Offline files and then Press Ok.
It will go for the restart.

After Restart You can see that Sync icon isgone.

Now,User data will use only centralize locationdata space.

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Maqsood9090 Lv1Posted 2023-Aug-07 18:04
thanks for sharing
Daniel Marin Lv1Posted 2023-May-30 08:53
The Article effectively addresses the issue of data duplication in a VDI environment by providing clear steps to disable the synchronization feature that keeps user data on the local machine and the centralized location simultaneously. A great content indeed.
Arleng Lv2Posted 2023-May-30 08:47
This guide allow users guarantee that data only resides in the centralized place by locating and disabling the sync center, effectively resolving the issue.
Rejie08455 Lv1Posted 2023-May-30 08:45
The content clarifies the problem with the VDI system, where user data is not being sent to the appropriate central location because synchronization is enabled on local VMs.
Kevs Lv1Posted 2023-May-30 08:41
This really helps alot of IT's because it offers step-by-step instructions to disable the sync center and ensure that user data only occupies the centralized location, effectively resolving the problem.
Josepina31 Lv2Posted 2023-May-27 15:07
It is a valuable resource for individuals at all levels of expertise.
CptArmando Lv2Posted 2023-May-27 15:05
The content is easily digestible, breaking down complex ideas into manageable concepts.
Janong Lv2Posted 2023-May-27 14:59
The guide provides clear explanations of technical jargon.
MariaD Lv2Posted 2023-May-27 14:58
The article presents information in a visually appealing manner.
Kenbaw Lv2Posted 2023-May-27 14:57
The guide includes useful templates and checklists.