Google AdSense IAG(IAM) 5

sajidghouri Lv1Posted 2023-Mar-04 13:28

Hi, Can we use something like Google AdSense in IAG(IAM) to earn money using redirection or some other technique with every internet user passing through IAG.

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Yes you can use it just configure it to the redirection page after user authetication
Is this answer helpful?
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-08 13:41
Yes it can be added to IAG
FoxR Lv2Posted 2023-Mar-06 17:08
Yes it can be add to the IAG
KimD Lv2Posted 2023-Mar-06 17:02
Yes you can manually add you google ad sense to it
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-06 16:37
Yes it does add google ad.
WestCon Lv2Posted 2023-Mar-06 16:09
Yes you can add it to the AIG after the authentication
HeavT Lv2Posted 2023-Mar-06 16:03
Yes it can be add to the IAG as redirection page
AndrewForti Lv2Posted 2023-Mar-06 15:51
Yes you can add it manually, please see below steps on configuration for google adsense

Dohan4U Lv2Posted 2023-Mar-06 15:44
Yes it can be configure to add the Google AdSense into the redirection
April Men Lv1Posted 2023-Mar-06 14:17
Google AdSense in IAG(IAM) can be add to it
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2023-Mar-06 12:39
Yes i t can add google ad

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