How to setup VLAN configuration from NGAF to Core Switch? 20

Newbie821546 Lv1Posted 13 Feb 2023 11:14

I have a TP-Link Managed Switch and i'm a newbie at VLAN configuration. Can anyone help me with this kind of setup?

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First of all, you need to identify your own requirement, you want to have VLAN gateway on switch? or NGAF?

Scenario 1
If you want to have a VLAN gateway on your switch, you must first create a list of VLAN databases and network segmentation, and those VLANs must point to the NGAF's default gateway, which must create a Layer 3 interface and an IP address on the NGAF itself and the switch, and the NGAF must have a return route to your switch.

Scenario 2
VLAN gateway on NGAF, in the same step, list all your VLAN and IP Segmentation, and your NGAF acting as gateway for those VLAN, which means your user/server point to NGAF IP as gateway, and the switch only needs to allow all trunk the VLAN you configured. In this case, your switch operates in Layer 2 mode, with no routing configuration or Layer 3. This is the simplest way to set up a network, but keep in mind that you must allow inter-vlan communication in the firewall to ensure that all traffic is reachable.

So conclusion, you need to finalize your VLAN, how many VLAn you want? what are IP segments you want? which gateway you want? either NGAF or switch? at least you need to have your own design document and baseline to start configure.
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faysalji Lv3Posted 23 Feb 2023 11:50
you need to identify your own requirement; you want to have VLAN gateway on switch? or NGAF?
for VLAN Gateway:
If you want to have a VLAN gateway on your switch, you must first create a list of VLAN databases and network segmentation, and those VLANs must point to the NGAF's default gateway, which must create a Layer 3 interface and an IP address on the NGAF itself and the switch, and the NGAF must have a return route to your switch.

VLAN gateway on NGAF, in the same step, list all your VLAN and IP Segmentation, and your NGAF acting as gateway for those VLAN, which means your user/server point to NGAF IP as gateway, and the switch only needs to allow all trunk the VLAN you configured. In this case, your switch operates in Layer 2 mode, with no routing configuration or Layer 3. This is the simplest way to set up a network, but keep in mind that you must allow inter-vlan communication in the firewall to ensure that all traffic is reachable.
In short, you need to finalize your VLAN, how many VLAn you want? what are IP segments you want? which gateway you want? either NGAF or switch? at least you need to have your own design document and baseline to start configure.
Gomu Lv2Posted 21 Feb 2023 10:52
Configure Vlans then assign to the users
Racoon Lv2Posted 21 Feb 2023 10:47
Maybe they don't share the same subnet.
Franky Lv3Posted 21 Feb 2023 10:42
Check your groupings and routings
Carrot Lv3Posted 21 Feb 2023 10:38
The group is not the same so it is the problem
Robin Lv3Posted 21 Feb 2023 10:33
it must have routing config to communicate between them
Brooker Lv3Posted 21 Feb 2023 10:29
The hosts are not connected to the same vlan
Pat Lv4Posted 21 Feb 2023 08:33
1. Configure the VLAN. All the switches that carry the VLAN must be configured for that VLAN. ...
2. Set up access control lists. ACLs, which regulate the access granted to each user connected to a network, also apply to VLANs. ...
3. Apply command-line interfaces.
4. Consider management packages.
Farina Ahmed Posted 20 Feb 2023 18:10
All configuration will be done on Core Switch because VLAN concept is related to switches not to FW. For communication between these VLANs, we need either Router or Layer 3 switch.

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